Sunday, August 12, 2007

26 Weeks...

I now have just under 100 days to go until bub is due. Time has actually gone quite fast. Being pregnant has been such a fascinating experience. Everyday I wake up and the first thing I do is touch my belly to see if she is awake or not. I love feeling her move and seeing the movements on my belly.

I spent most of Saturday cleaning out the two spare rooms so that I can get the nursery ready. It was a big job but I'm glad that it is done because the bigger I get the less I will be able to do physically. We recevied the bassinett last week and it is really cute. I will be getting the cot in the next couple of weeks and I am really excited to see what it will look like.

Popp Jnr's Development at 26 weeks... Bub now measures about 36cm long with her feet extended. She weighs a little more than 1.6 pounds/ 760 grams. Her eyes begin to open around now. Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the nerve pathways to the ears are complete. She also continues to take small breaths and although she's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when she is born.

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