Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It Comes In Threes!

Friday 3th March, 2006
1. Last Thursday night I want to a Deep Water Running class at the Newmarket public pool. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be but was loads of fun. My mum, Kelly (sister), Kaye (friend) and her mum did it as well. Anyway at the end of the class Kaye and I were goofing around going down the kids’ water slide and as I fell into the water I scraped my foot on the bottom of the pool. In short, the following day it was very painful and I realised that it was infected.

2. Last Saturday we played our semi-final against the Red Sox (who are as yet undefeated) and the score was 10-8. Our team was last up to bat and we already had 2 out when it was my turn to bat. I was nervous as it was then up to me to beat the odds and get some more people home but I didn’t get the chance because the pitcher pitched the ball (and don’t forget it is fast pitch) and it hit me on the inside of my right leg. I now have the world’s biggest bruise that has since Saturday turned a lovely shade of dark purple with a few patches of yellow here and there.
Unfortunately we did end up losing the game. This Saturday we play the prelim-finals against Wilston Grange and if we win that game then we will be going on to the grand-finals against the Red Sox again. I will let you know what happens.

3. Despite the fact that I was already in considerable pain with my foot and my leg, I was taking Winston for a walk on Sunday morning and for some reason, unbeknownst to me, I ticked off a bee or a wasp which started flying around my face and then stung me under the eye which promptly swelled up.

Hopefully that’s the end of my injuries for a while.

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