Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Just call me Auntie Fi Fi

Well it is official! I am going to be an Auntie. My sister Kelly and brother-in-law Malcolm are expecting their first baby on the 7th November. An early birthday present for me. YEAH!! How exciting. They had their 14 week scan on 10th May and everything looks good. This is the first grandchild for my mum and dad so as you can expect they are over the moon. However they will be returning from the UK on the 5th November so Kelly will have to keep her legs crossed until they arrive home. They have decided not to find out the sex of the baby but I am putting my money down on it being a girl. We’ll see if my sisterly-intuition is correct.

Winston & Ruby - The Money Pit!

When Ruby turned 6 months we decided it was about time we got her fixed because Winston wasn't fixed and they were spending a heck of a lot of time alone together in the house and one thing would lead to another.... Anyway we didn't want Schnauzer X Silky Terrier X Shitzu puppies with megaesophagus as I am sure you can understand. Plus the idea of Winston getting his little sister pregnant didn't sit real well with me. So we sent Ruby in for her operation on the 11th May. We then decided to spend more money and get Winston done as well. He had been exhibiting a bit of aggressive dominance which is common with male dogs that are “intact” if you know what I mean. So he had the big “chop” on 17th May. We took so long to get him done because of his megaesophagus. There was always the risk that while under anaesthetic, he could breathe in his saliva and then get aspiration pneumonia. But he got through it with no complications. He unfortunately wasn’t as good of a patient as Ruby and wasn't leaving his stitches alone. Therefore he had to wear an “Elizabethan Collar”. He wasn’t at all impressed. His nickname is now Winston "Buckethead" Popp.

They have now both had their stitches out and have healed well.


I'm not sure if you would call it obsesive compulsive, but I haven't been happy with the way my website has been looking so I have decided to move all my blogs over to blogger.com. It is just a lot easier to use and I can post stuff anytime, anywhere. Plus I have been using the same web design program for almost 10 years and it is becoming increasing frustrating to use. So from now on this is where you will find out what is happening in the Popp House.

Oh! My! Goodness!

Saturday 11th March, 2006
On Friday afternoon I came home from work to find that Winston and Ruby had amused themselves by playing tug-of-war with a puppy pad. This was the result...

We Lost!

Sunday 5th March, 2006
But I am not too bummed about it. It was a big commitment to give up every Saturday to play and by the end of the season I wasn't as keen to go. But I enjoyed playing. At least my last game I was able to catch a fly ball and my dad was witness. The next season will start again in October and it will depend on where we are situated as to whether I will be playing again.

It Comes In Threes!

Friday 3th March, 2006
1. Last Thursday night I want to a Deep Water Running class at the Newmarket public pool. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be but was loads of fun. My mum, Kelly (sister), Kaye (friend) and her mum did it as well. Anyway at the end of the class Kaye and I were goofing around going down the kids’ water slide and as I fell into the water I scraped my foot on the bottom of the pool. In short, the following day it was very painful and I realised that it was infected.

2. Last Saturday we played our semi-final against the Red Sox (who are as yet undefeated) and the score was 10-8. Our team was last up to bat and we already had 2 out when it was my turn to bat. I was nervous as it was then up to me to beat the odds and get some more people home but I didn’t get the chance because the pitcher pitched the ball (and don’t forget it is fast pitch) and it hit me on the inside of my right leg. I now have the world’s biggest bruise that has since Saturday turned a lovely shade of dark purple with a few patches of yellow here and there.
Unfortunately we did end up losing the game. This Saturday we play the prelim-finals against Wilston Grange and if we win that game then we will be going on to the grand-finals against the Red Sox again. I will let you know what happens.

3. Despite the fact that I was already in considerable pain with my foot and my leg, I was taking Winston for a walk on Sunday morning and for some reason, unbeknownst to me, I ticked off a bee or a wasp which started flying around my face and then stung me under the eye which promptly swelled up.

Hopefully that’s the end of my injuries for a while.

The Buccaneers

Friday 3th March, 2006
Jeff’s Summer Ice Hockey team won their finals on Sunday night. It was the best of three games and since they lost the first game and won the second, Sunday night was the decider. The score ended up being 6-2 with Jeff scoring two of them. My Dad and sister, Kelly came with me and they really enjoyed it. Especially when Jeff got sent to the penalty box for slashing. Naughty boy!!!

Our Leather Anniversary

Saturday 18 February, 2006
Jeff and I celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary yesterday. How time flies. Last night we went to the Gold Class movies to see "Casanova". For those of you who don't know what Gold Class movies are, they are superior to the regular movie theatres. They usually only fit up to 40 people and you sit in soft comfy recliner chairs. Since it only caters for people over 18 years you can order hot food and alcohol or softdrinks to be delivered to you whenever you want during the movie. It does cost quite a bit more then just your regular movie theatre but the experience alone is worth it. The movie itself was okay. It was funny, and it had Heath Ledger in it so I was happy.

Ruby's Misfortune

Saturday 18 February, 2006
I wasn't kidding when I said that we weren't meant to have dogs. Ruby fell off our bed yesterday morning and fractured 2 bones in her right leg. Her nickname is now Ruby "Peg-Leg" Popp. We don't think it was the hight of the bed that did it because she leaps off our couch all the time. We think that when she fell she just landed on it funny. She still thinks she can play with Winston like normal but Winston has been very gentle. We have to keep the cast on for a week but they said that it is going to heal nicely. Ay Currumba! What next?


Monday 6 February, 2006
I would like to post a retraction (Wednesday 25 January, 2006, Sleeping Tablets Anyone??). Even though at the time I felt very strongly about what I wrote, I was functioning on only five hours sleep so I was understandably a little cranky. Therefore I feel I should restore Ruby’s reputation by saying that since that day she has been the picture of perfection. She is sleeping through the night and is not going to the toilet in our living room. Hallelujah!! Life in the Popp household is once again at peace.

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Friday 2 February, 2006
Well we survived the Australia Day long weekend with two dogs and no catastrophes. We spent four days at Dicky Beach which is about an hour north from our house. We stayed in a small three bedroom dog-friendly house about 200 metres up the road from the beach. It was an older looking house with 80s looking décor, but it was clean, bright and cheap and exactly what we were looking for.

I ended up forgetting to pack the digital camera so I bought a disposable camera to take some pictures. I’d forgotten what it was like to take a picture and not be able to view it straight away. Now I have to wait to finish the film before I can get them developed and loaded on the website.

Australia Day (Jan 26) was extremely hot. The house didn’t have air conditioning so we spent the majority of the day lying in front of the fans. We went to the beach for a quick swim to cool down after lunch. The rest of the weekend we spent going for walks on the beach, going into town (which is really just one street lined with shops), and reading. We took Ruby and Winston for walks down on the beach and Ruby loved it. We tried coaxing her into the water but she was too scared of the waves. She looks like a drowned rat when wet (literally because she is so small). Overall it was a nice relaxing holiday.

I’ve come to the realisation that once we start a family (I mean a human one, not the four legged kind), we are going to have to either buy a bigger car or buy some kind of trailer because from the look of the car with us and two dogs, there was no way we were going to fit a baby car seat and other baby paraphernalia in there as well. I guess we'll jump that hurdle when we get to it.

Sleeping Tablets Anyone???

Wednesday 25 January, 2006
For those of you who said that having a puppy would be great preparation for parenthood you were right on the money… so I say BRING IT ON!! I’m ready for anything parenthood has to throw at me. Show me what ya got!!! (FYI… I am just venting! Don’t expect to see me knitting booties any time soon). Ruby has turned out to be what you would call the “problem child”. Waking up at 4am… 4.30am… 5am… 5.30am etc… I’ve got bags underneath my eyes big enough to sit it. And it seems like I am constantly on my hands and knees cleaning up puddles of pee because she missed the puppy pad by a mile (and I mean like the other side of the room). I’ve been told on a number of occasions that boys are easier to deal with than girls and until Ruby I never really believed it. Boy was I wrong. Winston was an absolute breeze. He slept through the night and was practically house trained when we got him. Oh were we spoilt!! Aaarrgg!!!! I am so tired that I am practically falling asleep at my desk while typing. In fact if I just put my head down for a little bit… Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz … snortsnufflesnort… oops is that drool?

Our Little Ruby

Tuesday 17 January, 2006
As you know, over the Christmas break we had a brief moment of insanity and bought a little ¾ Silky Terrier X Shitzu that we called Ruby. She has been with us now for about three weeks, not without a few hiccups.

On New Years morning we came home to find that Ruby had gotten her head stuck through the baby gate we put across the bathroom door and as a result, gave herself a hernia. This is not as bad as it sounds and is, thank goodness, operable. The Vet advised us that as long as it doesn't bother her, we can wait until she has her "female" operation to do both at the same time as the hernia is in that general direction. She also no doubt saw her very short life flash before her eyes when I babysat a friend's one year old who didn't quite understand the concept of "be gentle" and almost squeezed the poor thing to death. For a one year old he had a very strong grip. In fact, looking back at our combined history of owning pets, I think Jeff and I were just not supposed to own dogs. His dog Spot was attacked by a cat as a puppy and was blind in one eye for most of her life; Winston has an Oesophageal condition which requires him to be fed and held upright; and Ruby has a hernia. I don't know? What do you think?

Winston and Ruby are getting along surprisingly well. She chases him around the house biting at his legs. It is actually pretty funny to watch. Once Ruby is old enough to be upgraded to outside the bathroom she will be a really good companion for Winston.

House training has turned out to be quite a challenge with Miss Ruby. I now remember why I hated the puppy stage. But I just have to keep telling myself, "She will grow up... She will grow up." In fact that has been my daily mantra for the past three weeks. But you just have to look at that cute little face and your frustrations just melt away.