Sunday, October 28, 2007

37 Weeks...

Popp Jnr's development at 37 weeks... This week, most of the downy coating of lanugo is shed and the vernix caseosa -- the cheese-like coating that covers bub in the womb and protects her developing skin -- starts to disappear, though some may remain at birth. Bub weighs close to 6.5 pounds / 2.8 kilograms and may be about 20 inches / 50 centimetres long from head to toe. Many babies now have a full head of hair, with locks maybe around one inch / 2.5 centimetres long.

I am now considered full term which means that it is quite safe for bub to be born from now on, however I still think I will be overdue. I am still feeling pretty good so not overly anxious to have bub come any time soon. I am having the capsule fitted into the car tomorrow morning which is the last of the important things that needed to be done befor her arrival.

I attended a breastfeeding course on Saturday which was worth going to, however I also think that no amount of reading or watching videos will fully prepare you for the foreign act of breastfeeding. It's definitly an art that will take a lot of patience, practice and faith in my own abilities.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

36 Weeks + 2 days...

Popp Jnr's development at 36 weeks... Bub is still gaining weight -- about an ounce/ 28 grams a day. She weighs nearly 6 pounds/ 2.7 kilograms and is 19 inches/ 45 centimetres long from head to toe.

Saw my OB yesterday. I am now on weekly visits. I asked him what size he thought bub might be at birth and he guesstimated about 7 1/2 pounds. Sounds good to me. We got to see bub on the ultrasound again and she is still head down (but not engaged) and in an anterior position. She is also still moving pretty frequently.

I am now officially on maternity leave. I had a nice morning tea with my colleagues at Queensland Health on Friday. They are all such lovely people. At the moment I just feel like I'm on holidays. That mentality will change I am sure once I get closer to my due date.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

35 Weeks... & Baby Shower

I had a lovely day today at my baby shower. There were about 16 people including myself. We played a couple of games which were quite amusing. The first one everyone had to cut off a piece of string guesstimating how big my belly was (actual width will not be disclosed!). Some people (including my own mother) went a little crazy with the string and decided that I was about the width of a baby elephant. My sister Kelly was the closest but seeing as she was helping me host it she passed on the honour to my Auntie Anne who came a close second. We then played a game where you had to draw a baby on a paper plate while it was on your head. They were then passed around and given a score out of 5 (five being the highest). My sister Melissa won as she got extra points for writing her name as well (also while on her head). This game received quite a few laughs.

After the games I then opened the presents which I have to say was quite overwhelming. I got so many wonderful things. Our little princess is definitely already unbelievably spoilt.

Thanks to everyone for making my day super special. Also a special thanks to those who helped organise, set up & clean up. I really had a magnificent day. To view pictures click on the following link.

Popp Jnr's development at 35 weeks... Bub now weighs about 5.25 pounds/ 2.4 kilograms and measures approximately 18 inches/ 45 centimetres from head to toe. This week, bub is now sporting fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. Her liver can also process some waste products. There's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in my uterus, which has expanded to a thousand times its original size.

Monday, October 08, 2007

34 Weeks...

Popp Jnr's development at 34 weeks... Bub now weighs more than 4.7 pounds / 2.2 kilograms and is 18 inches / over 45 centimetres from top to toe. She's filling out and getting rounder -- she'll need her fat layers later to regulate her body temperature. At 35 weeks her hearing is fully developed so I will try and increase the amount of times I play music to her.

I went to my first Yoga class last Thursday and found it to be more of a low impact aerobics session for pregnant women. I will be going to five more of these sessions so hopefully I'll get more out of them.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

33 Weeks + 2 days...

Popp Jnr's development at 33 weeks... Bub's skull bones are still pliable and aren't completely joined, making it easier to exit from the birth canal. But the bones in the rest of her body are hardening. Her skin is also gradually becoming less red and wrinkled. She now weighs about 4.2 pounds / 2 kilograms and measures approximately 17 inches/ 44 centimetres from head to toe.

We started our antenatal classes last Tuesday. They run every Tuesday for four weeks. Last week it was all about the stages of labour and labour positions. They also showed us a video that wasn't as graffic as I thought it would be but still put everything into perspective. Tonight we talked about pain relief and the unforseen situations that can arise when in labour eg; c-sections. The next two weeks will be about "post-baby" ie, how to put a nappy (diaper) on and swaddling techniques. I am going to have to rummage through the boxes of dolls at my parents house because we need a pretend baby to practice on.

I have also booked myself into "
Yoga Baby" every Thursday for six weeks. My sister Kelly did it when she was pregnant with Harry and she said it was helpful during labour. I'm doing the "Active Birth Yoga" class in which we practice yoga postures and breathing exercises that prepare us for the birth. The classes also explore topics that will increase the potential of achieving an Active Birth. Kelly has said to be prepared for a bit of a "tree hugging" experience so it will be interesting.

I now only have 2 1/2 weeks left of work and I am looking forward to it. I am getting really uncomfortable sitting at the desk all day especially when bub decides to sit right under my rib cage.